Register & Privacy Policy

This is Jetset Crew Oy's registry and data protection statement in accordance with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Prepared on 06/06/2024. Last change 06/06/2024.

1. Registrar

Jetset Crew Oy 3326859-9

Pirttimäentie 10, 41230 Uurainen

Contact: 044-2523070

[email protected]

2. Registered

Customers, potential customers, suppliers and partners. 

3. Legal basis and purpose of personal data processing

Based on the law and regulation

• Citizenship (regulation EU 692/2011), purchase data or their parts for accounting purposes (law 1336/1997)

To protect the registrant

• Customer information related to reservations, such as name and contact information
• Language codes, information about fellow travelers or event participants (passenger card)
• Billing or other payment or payment method information
• Pricing basis, such as information about business customers or other price factors.
• Purchase information and information about reserved or used services
• Booked services, such as accommodation or activities
• Correspondence
• Marketing communications

The information is not used for automated decision-making or profiling. 

We only keep the personal data we collect for as long as the data can be considered necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy, unless keeping the data longer than this is required by law or permitted by law.

4. Data content of the register

The information to be recorded in the register is: 

• Accommodation and program services, service production
• Customer identification
• Customer relationship management, customer consideration
• Customer communication related to reservations, contacting the customer
• Marketing communications
• Investigating disturbance situations and informing about them
• Customer service development, research related to service development
• Safeguarding the rights of the parties and ensuring the correctness of the service

IP addresses of website visitors and cookies necessary for the service's functions are processed based on legitimate interest, e.g., to ensure information security and collect statistical data of website visitors in cases when they can be considered personal data. If necessary, consent is requested separately for third-party cookies.

5. Registered information

The customer register contains the following information:

• Customer data
• Information about purchased products/services

6. Regular transfers of data and transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

Information is not regularly disclosed to other parties. Information can be published to the extent agreed with the customer.

The controller can also transfer data outside the EU or EEA. However, data will not be transferred to the United States without the express consent of the data subjects.

7. Data security of the register

Care is taken when processing the register, and the information processed with the help of information systems is properly protected. When register data is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital data security of their hardware is taken care of accordingly. The registrar ensures that stored data as well as server access rights and other data critical to the security of personal data are handled confidentially and only by those employees whose job description it is.

8. Right of inspection and right to demand correction of information

Every person in the register has the right to check their information stored in the register and demand the correction of any incorrect information or the completion of incomplete information. If a person wants to check the information stored about him or demand correction, the request must be sent in writing to the controller. If necessary, the registrar can ask the requester to prove his identity. The controller responds to the customer within the time stipulated in the EU data protection regulation (generally within a month).

9. Other rights related to the processing of personal data

A person in the register has the right to request the removal of personal data about him from the register ("right to be forgotten"). Those registered also have others rights according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation kuten henkilötietojen käsittelyn rajoittaminen tietyissä tilanteissa. Pyynnöt tulee lähettää kirjallisesti rekisterinpitäjälle. Rekisterinpitäjä voi pyytää tarvittaessa pyynnön esittäjää todistamaan henkilöllisyytensä. Rekisterinpitäjä vastaa asiakkaalle EU:n tietosuoja-asetuksessa säädetyssä ajassa (pääsääntöisesti kuukauden kuluessa).